Saturday, March 20, 2010

AIA - Patricia E. Bauer – Media Outreach 101: Ten things you need to know to work effectively with the media

If you don’t follow Patricia E. Bauer and love someone who has Down syndrome – I strongly suggest you start!

This afternoon I heard Pat talk about how we can work with the media. Things are changing rapidly related to the public conversation about disability. We are getting, in Pat’s words, beyond themes of pity and overcoming adversity, encompassing issues of justice, fairness and civility.

She has a list of iPhone apps on her site, as well as a lot more information.

She talked about the situation with Rahm Emanuel, Rush, Sarah, Family Guy, Bill, and Andrea…

Look at when relevant issues are taking place in the media and find ways to address them.

Help journalists tell compelling stories about real people with Down syndrome. Fundraisers aren’t the best type of stories to try to pass off as News.

Don’t present stereotypes – use people first language…avoid angels or victim mentality…they are fully realized people with rights. Don’t ally closely with a party, but look at the acts of those people.

Too many mixed message to our government cause nothing to happen.

Media isn’t up to speed on our issues, and they don’t have a lot of time to get there. We can help them do their jobs well. Write press releases – help them.

Get pictures and videos to tell your stories. Figure out who would be available to participate and who would be good?

Could AIA put a virtual media library to share ideas of what has worked in local areas?

As a trade group, have three individuals who can address something immediately and how to address the media.

And she gave some good information about managing interviews!

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