Violette turned 5 in June, and since I didn't post anything on her birthday, I thought I'd use a post that I shared over on the Pregnancy Board. I have so many blog posts in my head that want to get out...time just makes it hard sometimes. But anyway, here are some essential facts about Violette:
When she gets out of bed in the morning, she grabs her own glasses, puts them on and comes into my room and says "Hi Mommy! How'd you sleep?"
When we ask her how things are, she'll usually say "Very Awesome", "Fantastic" or great.
She told my father that he was a "loser" tonight, including the L on her forehead.
She said "Look mommy, the 'Lympics" tonight when we were at Carrabas and she saw them on the TV.
She is usually the only one in my family who says "Bless you" when I sneeze.
She is riding the regular school bus to Kindergarten this fall, and will be in a class of "typical" kids.
She is very helpful, and if I need her to run and get something for me from another room, she is quick and efficient.
She told me her Sprite wasn't right at dinner - it was missing the sweet stuff, and she let me know it was wrong.
She loves SpongeBob, Team Umizoomi and The Muppets. She can recite almost the entire SpongeBob movie, and knows most of the dance moves from The Muppets.
She doesn't use sign language anymore (it can be helpful to teach signing to kids with Ds early to help bridge the communication delays), and really hasn't since she was about 3, but she remembers every single sign she learned and can show you in a second if you ask her.
Violette chastised me at dinner the other night for not singing along to the Adele song "Rumor Has It." (Honey, not only does mommy not know the words, she's never heard the song!)
She is potty trained.
She loves to play in her room with her Loving Family Doll house and her Brave tower - she really likes Mereda.
She loves her sisters, and they love her, but they are true siblings and squabble, tease and support each other.
She goes everywhere with us, all the time.
I could go on and on, but that is probably's is a little picture of me with my sweetie pie...

Happy belated birthday Violette. What a cute pic of mom and her "big girl." My baby is starting kindergarten in the fall as well. Exciting stuff!
Happy Birthday sweet girl!!! My little girl started kindergarten today too..and she went to her home school and in a regular classroom..she was so excited that she didnt even eat! and she had an amazing day!!!
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